
Our latest perspectives on 21st-century ways of working and organizing.

Frontier – Issue 1

February, 2016

Our first report tackles the changing role of the C-Suite, with particular emphasis on the new roles needed to survive in a world dominated by uncertainty and the growing impact of software. Packed with examples and next steps.

Frontier – Issue 2

September, 2017

Our second issue focuses on the organizational design approach Continuous Participatory Reorganization - an approach allowing orgs to quickly sense and adapt to change. Read more on harnessing technology, communicating across teams, and fostering a more creative, collaborative, innovative culture.


How do we realize our purpose? Do we practice what we preach? Check out Emergent Agenda! Hear about what we're up to - how we're structured, how we team, what crazy hopes and dreams we have for August that we're *trying* to turn into reality. Subscribe in iTunes.